HP's RISC Strategy SR1212 Provide SF32 with a training program on how to present the Hewlett- Packard RISC Workstation and OSF strategy to customers and prospects. STUDENT PROFILE: Fielded SF32 SRs, and SEs supporting sales workstation products. Appropriate worldwide. PREREQUISITES: None STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: o Present the HP RISC Workstation and OSF strategy to customers. COURSE OUTLINE: Unit 1: Architectural Innovation - HP's approach to improving workstation performance Unit 2: Compiler Technology - HP's leading technology optimizes the performance of RISC architecture. Unit 3: Semiconductor Technology - HP's key customer benefits as an industry leader and manufacturer of RISC technology Unit 4: OS Migration - HP's interoperability and portability of HP-UX and HP-OSF Unit 5: HP's RISC Strategy Presentation - A clear, concise, coherent presentation that each and every SR can give easily and effectively TESTING PROCESS: Self-Assessment Test included in the workbook. To access Mastery Test, send an HPDesk message: To: Fieldtest ADMIN Subject: SR1212 A score of 80% or better represents satisfactory completion. FORMAT: Self-paced workbook packaged with audio cassette tape. A managers guide is also available to assist Sales Management with coaching SRs on delivering the presentation. LOCATION: N/A LENGTH: 4-6 hours AVAILABILITY: 2/91 EQUIPMENT LIST: Audio cassette player CLASS SIZE: N/A ORDERING INFO: Heart I-2 Order from Support Materials Organization (SMO/C200), Roseville, CA, Part #A1643-90014 QUESTIONS: Contact your Field Development Manager PROJECT MGR: Jim Belcher Telnet 436-5069